Sunday, March 1, 2009

Crafting Feb 23-March 1

I was able to get some pictures taken and loaded today of what I've been working on this week. It's quite a mixture of crafty stuff.

I started the week working on just one collage/ soldered pendant. I then strung it up with some beads to make this very cool necklace that I'm calling "Fun and Games".This is the 'front' of the pendant.

It is two sided and here's side B.

I went on to work on a few more collages and was able to get them in the glass and copper foiled. They are waiting to be soldered. These are the fronts.

These are their "B sides". I really like old glasses and for some reason used these on the back of all of them. Weird, I know!

I bought a Knifty Knitter kit this week.
In one night I was able to complete a cap with only a few errors.

I then started in a scarf to match, but have since realized that I don't have enough yarn to complete the scarf. It will end up as a pot holder I suppose.

I've decided to do a few tutorials here using some of the beads/ other craft materials that I don't know how to work into other projects. I think I'm going to call the series "Making Do" or something along those lines. What do you think? Here are the beads I started with - some light blue cat's eye beads. Check back for the details of what I did with them. It's pretty cool, if I do say so myself.

1 comment:

Cory said...

I love your collage pendants...I would rather do large collage works than any thing else.

Also thanks for the kudos on the button swap.