Reference has a fairly complete list of a variety of crafts with projects, patterns, and tutorials. The variety of crafts includes everything from weaving and felting to soap and paper making. You could spend a very long time looking through those pages.
Craft Idea
This easy craft can be useful for crafters and non-crafters alike. Outta envelopes, wanna send something special, have a burning desire to use up all the pretty paper and pictures you have sitting around? Making a funky envelope may be just the craft for you. It's even made from some fairly basic supplies that even non-crafty peeps should have just laying around the house.

Now that your cool envelopes are made, Avie Designs shares a recipe for envelope glue (scroll down the page to find the instructuions.) I know that this isn't the type of recipe you would usually expect, but hey. . .it does call for edible ingredients and works well with the above project.
Personal Creations
I actually was able to fit in some crafting lat night and this morning.
1. I have been experimenting with coating shrink plastic pieces, just as Dabbled did. My tries at using a spray sealer just made the permanent marker bleed and fade. I did find that some markers (Sharpies) had more staying power than others (Bic), but they all bled to some extent. I have tried both Diamond Glaze and Glossy Accents to coat these instead. While I really like both of these products in general, I found that the thicker-consistency Glossy Accents was easier to control on the Shrink Plastic. Diamond Glaze left a beautiful finish on the plastic, but its thinner consistency just ran over the sides and into the holes (punched for jewelry making) of the plastic. This just made a mess and ended up smearing both sides of the piece. I have yet to try Triple Thick (another sealer I like) on the plastic, but am afraid this may leave streaks (as it needs to be painted on.) For now, the Glossy Accents is the winner for me. I hope to get some pictures up of these trials (or at least the completed projects) soon.
2. I also worked on a embroidery project that has been in progress for some time, but didn't really get much done on that before my hubby was ready to run some errands (including dinner) with me.
That's all for now. I'm trying.
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